Budget 2025

Office Revenue - Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
in Rufiyaa
Total Revenue & Grants
41,429,881 33,946,679 34,109,385 34,540,787 35,034,671
0 0 0 0 0
Cash Grants
0 0 0 0 0
Cash Grants - Multilateral
0 0 0 0 0
Cash Grants - Voluntary Organisation
0 0 0 0 0
Non Tax Revenue
41,327,413 33,946,679 34,109,385 34,540,787 35,034,671
Fees and Charges
23,051,401 21,202,938 21,780,004 22,353,636 22,969,619
Court Fee
0 0 0 0 0
Sale of Tender Documents
0 0 0 0 0
Consultation Fee
1,546,768 1,209,286 1,329,470 1,395,944 1,465,741
Medical Check-Up Fee
30,400 89,761 91,556 93,387 95,255
Ambulance Fee
328,484 328,793 338,327 348,138 358,234
Hospital Ward Fee
7,720,174 7,656,311 8,039,126 8,441,083 8,863,137
X-Ray Fee
661,244 753,525 730,919 708,991 687,721
Charges for Dental Services
524,335 494,520 519,246 545,208 572,469
E.C.G. Fee
151,259 165,218 173,478 182,152 191,260
Operation and Surgery Fee
434,803 225,024 221,649 218,324 215,049
Charges for Laboratory Tests
5,506,529 5,183,068 5,286,729 5,392,464 5,500,313
Health Record Issuance
0 0 0 0 0
Dressing and Injection Charges
417,504 625,314 656,579 689,408 723,879
Scan Fee
166,575 162,075 170,179 178,688 187,622
Physiotherapy Fee
40,549 18,572 18,943 19,322 19,708
Labour Fee
750 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250
Endoscopy Charges
9,575 12,888 12,630 12,377 12,129
190 0 0 0 0
C.T. Scan Fee
289,070 441,705 485,876 534,464 587,910
Sale of Pass
0 0 0 0 0
Electricity Charges Received
828,271 422,442 413,993 405,713 397,599
Dry Dock Charges
2,435 12,585 0 0 0
Co-operative Society Annual Fee
194,075 149,292 146,306 143,380 140,512
Dermatology Service
94,549 87,212 94,188 101,723 109,861
Cardiac Service
2,943,586 2,524,643 2,398,411 2,278,490 2,164,566
Admission Fee
11,100 15,349 14,582 13,852 13,160
Other Fees and Charges
1,149,176 623,105 635,567 648,278 661,244
Proceeds from Sales
95,216 109,434 103,963 98,765 93,826
Sale of Water
95,216 109,434 103,963 98,765 93,826
Other Sales
0 0 0 0 0
Property Income
12,371,000 8,245,192 8,327,644 8,410,920 8,495,029
Rent from Government Buildings
12,371,000 8,245,192 8,327,644 8,410,920 8,495,029
Fines and Penalties
4,667,971 3,461,071 3,319,331 3,185,789 3,058,272
Late fine deducted from Salaries
2,709,223 2,358,221 2,238,538 2,126,612 2,020,279
Other Fine or Penalty
1,958,748 1,102,850 1,080,793 1,059,177 1,037,993
Interest, Profit and Dividends
0 47,124 0 0 0
Subsidiary Loan Interest received
0 47,124 0 0 0
Other Interest, Profit or Dividend Received
0 0 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Non-Tax Revenues
1,135,164 880,920 578,443 491,677 417,925
Cash Received for Which Purpose Is Unknown
2,823 1,052 0 0 0
Reimbursement from Previous Year Budget
132,341 51,500 0 0 0
Donations Received
1,000,000 828,368 578,443 491,677 417,925
6,661 0 0 0 0
Gains on Exchange Rates
6,661 0 0 0 0
Proceeds From Sale
102,468 0 0 0 0
Proceeds from Sale of Assets
102,468 0 0 0 0
Sale of items at auction
97,958 0 0 0 0
Sale of Other Asset
4,510 0 0 0 0

Office Revenue - Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital

In Dynamic Scale

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