Approved Budget

Budget 2024

Office Revenue - Maldives Inland revenue Authority
in Rufiyaa
Total Revenue & Grants
20,693,474,915 23,285,435,448 24,438,640,003 26,973,038,259 29,012,151,468
Non Tax Revenue
5,700,467,671 3,832,543,672 4,023,374,921 4,295,007,649 4,506,597,060
Fees and Charges
2,876,450,772 1,231,331,085 1,281,836,857 1,460,496,484 1,575,070,007
Company Annual Fee
19,460,020 18,837,362 16,040,000 16,838,000 17,638,000
Restaurant, Cafe, Canteen Fee
0 0 0 0 0
Non-Fisheries Vessel Fee
7,823,209 2,008,359 0 0 0
Sale of Tender Documents
907,770 479,036 484,826 489,675 494,571
Flat Maintenance
497,013 358,020 362,392 362,392 362,392
Sale of Pass
2,658,890 3,682,931 2,989,445 3,013,031 3,301,362
Residential Permit
7,071,400 4,820,790 0 0 0
Import Trade Fee
0 0 0 0 0
Co-operative Society Annual Fee
10,400 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Co-operative Society Registration Fee
800 600 600 600 600
Trade Registry Fee
2,384,650 2,260,261 2,223,408 2,245,642 2,268,098
Foreign Investment Administration Annual Fee
8,149,300 8,602,518 9,600,000 10,368,000 10,982,400
Lease period extension
1,956,325,000 1,915,688 0 0 0
Airport development fee
849,314,524 988,166,646 1,028,594,954 1,185,624,787 1,280,513,857
Corporate social responsibility fee
0 5,000 0 0 0
Tourism Administration fee
16,862,000 0 0 0 0
Expatriate Quota Fee
0 181,354,520 210,607,286 234,445,542 254,175,866
Plastic Bag Fee
0 10,769,821 10,928,946 7,103,815 5,327,861
Other Fees and Charges
4,985,796 8,063,533 0 0 0
Registration and Licence Fees
521,671,302 535,316,713 565,765,523 602,670,675 641,775,118
Company Registration Fee
3,451,009 4,567,871 3,654,887 3,835,554 4,016,221
Partnership Registration Fee
424,100 318,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Guest House Registration Fee
466,000 500 0 0 0
Foreign Trading Approval Fee
0 7,500 0 0 0
Dive School Registration Fee
90,000 5,000 0 0 0
Work Permit Fee
486,093,150 519,015,746 552,760,107 589,162,984 627,963,230
Motor Vehicle Licence Fee
19,726,729 0 0 0 0
Registration Fee
155,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Bank Mortgage Registration Fee
580,000 550,000 520,000 520,000 520,000
Sole Traders Registration fee
2,823,900 3,145,652 2,725,431 2,963,645 2,887,206
Online Business and Activity Registration Fee
2,981,000 2,109,500 287,022 315,724 347,296
Other Registration & Licence Fees
4,880,414 5,536,944 5,568,076 5,622,768 5,791,165
Property Income
2,164,305,544 1,991,546,093 2,130,769,733 2,191,480,977 2,254,013,558
Rent from Goifaalabba, Hinna
4,913,763 1,832,750 3,862,993 3,862,993 3,862,993
Rent from Government Buildings
1,285,491 610,508 470,298 470,298 470,298
Rent from Resorts
1,893,636,345 1,839,734,658 2,023,708,124 2,084,419,368 2,146,951,949
Rent from Land for Commmercial Purposes
90,804,796 87,749,365 87,545,174 87,545,174 87,545,174
Rent from Land for Industry
234,515 274,224 276,679 276,679 276,679
Rent from Islands for Long Term Agriculture
14,512,448 15,355,596 14,906,465 14,906,465 14,906,465
Rent from Floating Jetty
12,000 0 0 0 0
Land acquisition and conversion fee
158,906,186 44,605,482 0 0 0
Other Rent and Property Income
0 1,383,510 0 0 0
Fines and Penalties
137,678,449 60,679,275 45,002,808 40,359,513 35,738,377
Fine-Breach of Law
93,278,149 48,638,006 38,183,166 34,364,849 30,928,364
Fine-Breach of Regulation
4,867,820 3,845,243 2,862,333 3,021,254 2,206,345
Fine-Breach of Agreement
8,948,180 8,138,726 3,930,164 2,947,623 2,579,170
Late fine deducted from Salaries
37,444 28,554 27,145 25,787 24,498
Traffic Violation Charges
30,516,050 2,750 0 0 0
Other Fine or Penalty
30,806 25,996 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Non-Tax Revenues
361,604 13,670,506 0 0 0
Cash Received for Which Purpose Is Unknown
359,269 1,899,931 0 0 0
Reimbursement from Previous Year Budget
2,335 52,338 0 0 0
Donations Received
0 25,167 0 0 0
Transferred Balance
0 50,810 0 0 0
Zakath al Mal
0 11,396,417 0 0 0
Revenue Clearing Account
0 245,843 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Gains on Exchange Rates
0 0 0 0 0
Proceeds From Sale
15,359,327 3,179,976 2,369,915 2,253,361 2,142,635
Proceeds from Sale of Assets
15,359,327 3,179,976 2,369,915 2,253,361 2,142,635
Sale of items at auction
0 0 0 0 0
Sale of Government Building
79,267 71,869 38,835 38,835 38,835
Sale of Government Land
15,280,060 3,108,107 2,331,080 2,214,526 2,103,800
Tax Revenue
14,977,647,917 19,449,711,800 20,412,895,167 22,675,777,249 24,503,411,773
Business and Property Tax
4,310,973,522 5,221,237,766 5,508,607,816 5,778,116,016 6,131,364,845
Business Profit Tax
2,147,900,148 2,807,064,579 3,029,663,972 3,224,765,818 3,501,797,864
Ownership Transfer Tax
3,675,859 1,778,650 1,382,400 844,800 691,200
Bank Profit Tax
901,259,957 967,668,298 993,130,607 1,043,734,553 1,081,240,136
Withholding Tax
942,252,901 1,082,466,469 1,089,405,890 1,099,189,054 1,116,183,421
Individual Income Tax
315,884,657 362,259,770 395,024,947 409,581,791 431,452,224
Transport Operator Income Tax
0 0 0 0 0
Goods and Services Tax
9,781,200,065 13,137,558,102 13,802,586,123 15,627,337,683 17,008,807,198
Tourism Goods and Services Tax
6,597,108,183 8,685,297,508 9,068,395,404 10,294,736,124 11,210,460,655
Goods and Services Tax
3,184,091,882 4,452,260,594 4,734,190,719 5,332,601,559 5,798,346,543
54,901,609 68,503,429 73,106,274 84,698,763 82,725,873
Duty-Free Shop Royalty
54,901,609 68,503,429 73,106,274 84,698,763 82,725,873
Other Taxes and Duties
830,572,721 1,022,412,503 1,028,594,954 1,185,624,787 1,280,513,857
Sale of Revenue Stamps
0 0 0 0 0
Green Tax
0 53,261,206 0 0 0
Airport Service Charges
830,558,836 969,151,297 1,028,594,954 1,185,624,787 1,280,513,857
Remittance Tax
13,885 0 0 0 0
Miscellaneous Taxes and Duties
0 0 0 0 0

Office Revenue - Maldives Inland revenue Authority

In Dynamic Scale

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