Budget 2025

Office Expenditure - Total - People's Majlis
in Rufiyaa
Total Outflow
195,490,861 203,422,406 202,451,413 197,053,311 199,074,382
Capital Spending
4,759,584 15,276,811 4,937,300 117,500 119,000
Land & Buildings
0 0 0 0 0
Non-Residential Buildings
0 0 0 0 0
Furniture, Machinery, Equipments & Vehicles
4,759,584 15,276,811 4,937,300 117,500 119,000
Furniture & Fittings
678,922 1,286,509 21,300 3,500 4,000
Machinery and Equipment
579,400 7,368,926 1,228,000 34,000 35,000
Tools, Instruments, Apparatus
0 31,569 23,000 0 0
Reference Books & Exhibition Goods
1,600 2,790 40,000 80,000 80,000
Communication Infrastructure
1,077,845 957,800 1,403,000 0 0
Computer Software
14,256 33,096 60,000 0 0
IT-Related Hardware
2,291,708 5,596,121 2,162,000 0 0
Other Equipment
115,853 0 0 0 0
Motor Vehicles
0 0 0 0 0
Recurrent Spending
190,731,277 188,145,595 197,514,113 196,935,811 198,955,382
Salaries and Wages
70,703,230 73,698,000 80,125,000 80,160,500 80,551,000
Salaries and Wages
66,520,298 68,218,279 74,223,000 74,258,500 74,649,000
Overtime Pay
4,182,932 5,479,721 5,902,000 5,902,000 5,902,000
Allowances to Employees
55,924,338 60,927,838 67,518,270 67,522,583 67,570,000
Higher Education Allowance
1,189,798 1,752,019 1,921,000 1,921,000 1,921,000
Ramazan Allowance
762,000 739,800 852,000 852,000 852,000
Special Allowance for The Post
0 4,094,148 4,470,000 4,471,500 4,488,000
Committee Allowance
17,990,000 17,780,001 21,418,000 21,418,000 21,418,000
Commuting Allowance for Local Non-Residents
198,103 198,425 407,000 407,000 407,000
Dependants' Allowance
27,762,550 28,322,651 29,969,400 29,970,450 29,982,000
Annual Leave Cancellation Allowance
55,072 48,040 27,000 27,250 30,000
Phone Allowance
287,200 304,420 371,640 371,920 375,000
Clothing Allowance
484,500 662,500 640,250 640,397 642,000
Service Allowance
7,194,895 7,025,714 7,170,980 7,172,066 7,184,000
Scholarship and Fellowship Allowance-Overseas
0 0 270,000 270,000 270,000
Other Allowances
220 120 1,000 1,000 1,000
Pensions, Ret. Benefit & Grat.
4,442,537 4,552,647 5,195,180 5,197,665 5,225,000
Contribution to the retirement pension scheme
4,442,537 4,552,647 5,195,180 5,197,665 5,225,000
Travelling Expenses
4,293,059 9,140,404 6,696,793 6,721,793 6,721,793
Travelling Expenses - Local Sea Travel
70,642 143,120 127,350 127,350 127,350
Travelling Expenses - Local Land Travel
1,050 21,000 4,500 4,500 4,500
Travelling Expenses - Local Air Travel
39,611 404,846 175,000 200,000 200,000
Travelling Expenses - Overseas
4,181,756 8,571,438 6,389,943 6,389,943 6,389,943
Administrative Supplies
1,153,845 3,913,921 1,627,000 1,705,740 1,793,914
Stationery and Office Requisites
510,910 591,219 550,000 577,500 606,375
IT Related Materials
129,772 2,373,362 70,000 73,490 77,130
Fuel and Lubricants
54,720 60,000 61,000 63,200 66,400
Meals for Employees During Office Hours
63,715 45,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Electrical Items
206,255 429,078 450,000 472,000 500,000
Spare Parts
43,996 79,371 100,000 105,000 110,240
Materials for Uniforms
0 0 0 0 0
Supplies for Office Cleaning
4,365 35,000 30,000 31,500 33,072
Utensils and Accessories
15,517 38,294 55,000 57,750 60,635
Office Decoration Materials
9,993 22,597 35,000 36,750 38,586
Curtains, Table Cloths Etc
0 69,000 75,000 78,750 82,686
Other Administrative Supplies
114,602 171,000 176,000 184,800 193,790
Administrative Services
49,406,931 28,103,261 30,378,520 30,490,465 31,718,501
Telephone, Fax and Telex
294,866 378,232 400,000 420,000 441,000
4,079,194 4,157,576 4,350,000 4,567,500 4,795,875
Water and Sanitation Services
573,398 420,000 470,000 493,500 518,175
Leased Line and Internet
1,094,760 1,088,400 1,090,900 1,145,445 1,202,717
Hire Charges
259,200 94,585 172,800 172,800 172,800
Cleaning Services and Waste Disposal
1,575,811 1,395,721 1,425,170 0 0
Postage and Message
327 2,100 3,500 0 0
Announcements, Subscriptions and Advertisements
7,965 84,130 90,000 94,500 99,225
Carriage and Conveyance
18,825 7,560 15,000 15,750 16,537
Meeting or Seminar Related Expenses
26,978,671 4,371,077 5,026,200 5,526,200 5,526,200
National Competitions and Ceremonies
243 192,514 255,000 170,000 170,000
Social Development Programmes
159,224 374,568 500,000 525,000 551,250
Consultancy, Translation & Other Related Services
10,000 0 50,000 52,500 55,124
Expenses on Foreign Dignitaries
624,214 1,844,175 1,300,000 1,365,000 1,433,250
Visa, Workpermit Fees of Expatriate Staff
7,413 5,500 8,000 8,400 8,820
Annual Fees to Government
25,380 25,600 25,600 25,600 25,600
Printing Services
0 10,000 20,000 21,000 22,050
Bank Charges and Commission
19,141 31,155 20,000 20,000 20,000
8,475,575 13,178,500 13,582,000 14,261,100 14,974,155
IT Related Subscriptions & Fees
5,091,500 163,116 1,323,350 1,353,870 1,421,560
Other Administrative Services
111,224 278,752 251,000 252,300 264,163
Training Expenses
360,087 144,140 828,400 869,820 913,313
Scholarship and Fellowship Assistance
0 0 0 0 0
Short Course Fees & Expenses - Overseas Training
290,649 39,000 294,000 308,700 324,137
Course Fees & Related Expenses - Local Training
45,438 44,700 160,000 168,000 176,400
Staff training
24,000 60,440 374,400 393,120 412,776
Repairs and Maintenance
2,266,885 6,469,014 3,875,550 2,953,125 3,100,783
Repairs - Non-Residential Buildings
598,249 1,641,117 2,010,550 994,875 1,044,619
Repairs - Water & Sanitation Systems
32,752 52,361 30,000 31,500 33,075
Repairs - Electricity Systems
0 20,400 259,000 271,950 285,548
Repairs - Furniture & Fittings
3,683 218,576 40,000 42,000 44,100
Repairs - Machinery and Equipment
1,107,576 3,708,934 1,000,000 1,050,000 1,102,501
Repairs - IT-Related Hardware
440,278 693,473 371,200 389,760 409,248
Repairs - Other Equipment
0 49,420 64,800 68,040 71,442
Repairs - Motor Vehicles
84,347 84,733 100,000 105,000 110,250
Grants, Contrib. & Subsidies
2,180,365 1,196,370 1,269,400 1,314,120 1,361,078
Grants to Private Parties
437,500 375,000 375,000 375,000 375,000
Subscriptions & Fees to Domestic Organisations
500 500 500 525 552
Subscriptions & Fees to International Org.
1,742,365 820,870 893,900 938,595 985,526

Office Expenditure - Total - People's Majlis

In Dynamic Scale

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