Budget 2025

Office Expenditure - Total - DH. Atoll Hospital
in Rufiyaa
Total Outflow
59,696,129 74,828,387 79,427,071 80,987,997 82,543,442
Capital Spending
210,018 661,886 441,850 479,250 497,501
Infrastructure Assets
0 0 0 0 0
Water & Sanitation Systems
0 0 0 0 0
Furniture, Machinery, Equipments & Vehicles
210,018 661,886 441,850 479,250 497,501
Furniture & Fittings
21,450 216,214 101,100 111,000 113,500
Machinery and Equipment
72,868 258,246 300,000 315,000 330,751
Tools, Instruments, Apparatus
0 5,478 0 0 0
Communication Infrastructure
0 1,390 0 0 0
Computer Software
0 39,600 0 0 0
IT-Related Hardware
115,700 120,958 40,750 53,250 53,250
Motor Vehicles
0 20,000 0 0 0
Recurrent Spending
59,486,111 74,166,501 78,985,221 80,508,747 82,045,941
Salaries and Wages
27,229,823 27,164,085 28,504,107 28,513,335 28,614,843
Salaries and Wages
21,892,250 22,646,549 23,815,572 23,824,800 23,926,308
Overtime Pay
5,337,573 4,517,536 4,688,535 4,688,535 4,688,535
Allowances to Employees
21,154,147 21,841,948 22,776,143 22,776,393 22,779,143
Long-Term Allowance
83,900 0 0 0 0
Ramazan Allowance
643,520 608,600 615,000 615,000 615,000
Special Allowance for The Post
31,300 46,400 56,800 56,800 56,800
Food Allowance
793,324 688,887 806,400 806,400 806,400
Allowance for local non-residents
1,760,411 1,662,820 1,926,000 1,926,000 1,926,000
Holiday Allowance
695,842 734,534 836,476 836,476 836,476
Allowance for Work Other Than Assigned
30,600 114,400 136,896 136,896 136,896
Annual Leave Cancellation Allowance
46,286 9,052 0 0 0
Uniform Allowance
217,500 210,000 231,000 231,000 231,000
Acting Allowance
98,110 103,575 14,400 14,400 14,400
Shift Duty Allowance
462,405 554,195 526,820 526,820 526,820
Exclusive Job Allowance
1,155,716 1,689,380 1,723,806 1,723,806 1,723,806
Phone Allowance
75,795 71,079 73,200 73,450 76,200
Risk Allowance
2,238,925 1,880,875 1,870,003 1,870,003 1,870,003
Service Allowance
6,211,335 4,864,631 5,278,379 5,278,379 5,278,379
Scholarship and Fellowship Allowance-Local
138,607 276,624 0 0 0
Supporting Core Allowance
1,321,983 1,204,846 1,238,400 1,238,400 1,238,400
Technical Core Allowance
51,708 44,395 44,789 44,789 44,789
Minimum Wage Allowance
970,526 500,056 516,093 516,093 516,093
Attendance Benefit
1,110,063 1,996,246 2,099,487 2,099,487 2,099,487
Job Allowance
3,016,291 4,581,353 4,782,194 4,782,194 4,782,194
Other Allowances
0 0 0 0 0
Pensions, Ret. Benefit & Grat.
1,026,944 1,106,133 1,168,514 1,169,160 1,176,264
Contribution to the retirement pension scheme
1,026,944 1,106,133 1,168,514 1,169,160 1,176,264
Travelling Expenses
515,000 808,104 919,267 937,653 956,405
Travelling Expenses - Local Sea Travel
160,000 320,610 416,793 425,128 433,631
Travelling Expenses - Local Land Travel
0 9,000 10,800 11,016 11,236
Travelling Expenses - Local Air Travel
50,001 12,894 16,762 17,097 17,440
Travelling Expenses for Foreigners
304,999 465,600 474,912 484,412 494,098
Other Travelling Expenses
0 0 0 0 0
Administrative Supplies
550,004 695,637 707,734 725,501 730,203
Stationery and Office Requisites
319,999 368,206 375,571 383,081 390,743
IT Related Materials
20,001 29,660 18,450 10,600 10,950
Fuel and Lubricants
50,001 73,335 74,800 76,298 77,823
Meals for Employees During Office Hours
0 4,275 0 0 0
Electrical Items
50,001 60,297 50,260 60,670 58,720
Spare Parts
10,001 13,199 8,205 8,205 8,205
Supplies for Office Cleaning
80,000 117,332 123,198 125,662 128,177
Utensils and Accessories
0 0 0 0 0
Office Decoration Materials
0 0 0 0 0
Curtains, Table Cloths Etc
20,001 29,333 57,250 60,985 55,585
Other Administrative Supplies
0 0 0 0 0
Administrative Services
5,052,932 6,269,973 8,390,182 9,125,963 9,702,245
Telephone, Fax and Telex
500,001 258,000 510,002 520,200 530,604
3,510,000 3,829,200 5,360,880 5,628,924 5,910,371
Water and Sanitation Services
5,001 312,576 437,606 612,649 857,709
Leased Line and Internet
399,999 435,180 609,252 639,715 671,702
Building rent and Land rent
0 4,000 262,500 267,500 267,500
Hire Charges
7,600 5,100 2,160 2,160 2,160
Cleaning Services and Waste Disposal
450,000 1,188,000 960,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
Carriage and Conveyance
90,000 97,900 137,060 143,913 151,108
Meeting or Seminar Related Expenses
0 5,000 0 0 0
Social Development Programmes
0 0 0 0 0
Expenses on Foreign Dignitaries
0 0 0 0 0
Annual Fees to Government
53,730 53,790 23,280 23,280 23,280
Printing Services
5,000 6,400 5,130 5,130 5,130
Laundry Services
10,001 12,992 5,270 5,270 5,270
Staff Medical Expenses
0 30,000 4,800 4,800 4,800
Bank Charges and Commission
3,600 2,400 3,600 3,780 3,969
8,001 9,435 4,050 4,050 4,050
Other Administrative Services
9,999 20,000 64,592 64,592 64,592
Operational Consumables
3,522,913 15,337,798 16,104,688 16,909,922 17,755,418
Medical Consumables
3,522,913 15,337,798 16,104,688 16,909,922 17,755,418
Repairs and Maintenance
434,348 942,823 414,586 350,820 331,420
Repairs - Residential Buildings
0 0 0 0 0
Repairs - Non-Residential Buildings
186,299 487,719 286,086 242,820 231,420
Repairs - Water & Sanitation Systems
45,816 50,648 30,700 36,700 36,700
Repairs - Electricity Systems
27,150 31,627 40,500 9,000 6,000
Repairs - Other Infrastructure
0 0 0 0 0
Repairs - Furniture & Fittings
14,999 18,665 5,000 5,000 5,000
Repairs - Machinery and Equipment
59,585 240,597 19,000 19,000 19,000
Repairs - Vehicular Equipment
0 0 0 0 0
Repairs - Computer Software
18,099 21,972 2,000 2,000 2,000
Repairs - IT-Related Hardware
10,001 12,000 1,800 1,800 1,800
Repairs - Other Equipment
0 0 0 0 0
Repairs - Motor Vehicles
72,399 79,595 29,500 34,500 29,500

Office Expenditure - Total - DH. Atoll Hospital

In Dynamic Scale

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