2023 އެކްޗުއަލް |
2024 ރިވައިޒްކުރި |
2025 Budget |
2026 Budget |
2027 Budget |
Elections Commission
154,314,962 | 138,495,317 | 32,378,299 | 107,396,663 | 32,415,261 |
އެގްޒެކެޓިވް އަދި ކޯޕަރޭޓް ހިދުމަތްތައް
21,688,381 | 22,155,169 | 22,607,560 | 22,621,520 | 22,635,630 |
އިދާރީ ހިދުމަތްތަކާއި އިންސާނީ ވަސީލަތްތައް ތަރައްގީކުރުން
21,688,381 | 22,155,169 | 22,607,560 | 22,621,520 | 22,635,630 |
Administration & Support Service
10,651,857 | 10,246,357 | 10,014,876 | 10,028,586 | 10,042,433 |
Administration & Support Service
10,651,857 | 10,246,357 | 10,014,876 | 10,028,586 | 10,042,433 |
Administration & Support Service
10,651,857 | 10,246,357 | 10,014,876 | 10,028,586 | 10,042,433 |
1,244,998 | 1,225,794 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 |
1,244,998 | 1,225,794 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 |
1,244,998 | 1,225,794 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 | 1,355,419 |
Human Resource Management
1,031,955 | 935,938 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 |
Human Resource Management
1,031,955 | 935,938 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 |
Human Resource Management
1,031,955 | 935,938 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 | 1,297,715 |
Planning & Policy Development
978,456 | 943,943 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 |
Planning & Policy Development
978,456 | 943,943 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 |
Planning & Policy Development
978,456 | 943,943 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 | 1,020,936 |
Commissions Bureau
5,075,887 | 5,766,050 | 5,691,692 | 5,691,942 | 5,692,205 |
Commissions Bureau
5,075,887 | 5,766,050 | 5,691,692 | 5,691,942 | 5,692,205 |
Commissions Bureau
5,075,887 | 5,766,050 | 5,691,692 | 5,691,942 | 5,692,205 |
899,466 | 895,075 | 991,248 | 991,248 | 991,248 |
899,466 | 895,075 | 991,248 | 991,248 | 991,248 |
899,466 | 895,075 | 991,248 | 991,248 | 991,248 |
Internal Audit
552,800 | 729,814 | 783,259 | 783,259 | 783,259 |
Internal Audit
552,800 | 729,814 | 783,259 | 783,259 | 783,259 |
Internal Audit
552,800 | 729,814 | 783,259 | 783,259 | 783,259 |
Public Relations
1,252,962 | 1,412,198 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 |
Public Relations
1,252,962 | 1,412,198 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 |
Public Relations
1,252,962 | 1,412,198 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 | 1,452,415 |
ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީ ގަވާއިދުތައް ތަންފީޒުކުރުމާއި މުޖުތަމައު ހޭލުންތެރިކުރުން
130,799,717 | 113,931,352 | 7,247,416 | 82,251,820 | 7,256,308 |
ސިވިކް އެޑިއުކޭޝަން، ޓްރެއިނިންގ އަދި ރިސަރޗް
1,093,862 | 1,140,148 | 1,155,715 | 1,156,119 | 1,156,527 |
Civic Education, Training & Research
1,093,862 | 1,140,148 | 1,155,715 | 1,156,119 | 1,156,527 |
Civic Education, Training & Research
1,093,862 | 1,140,148 | 1,155,715 | 1,156,119 | 1,156,527 |
Civic Education, Training & Research
1,093,862 | 1,140,148 | 1,155,715 | 1,156,119 | 1,156,527 |
ކަމާބެހޭ ގާނޫނުތަކާއި ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީ ގަވާއިދުތައް ތަންފީޒުކުރުން
38,209,121 | 45,618,817 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 |
Legal & Political Party Regulations
38,209,121 | 45,618,817 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 |
Legal & Political Party Regulations
38,209,121 | 45,618,817 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 |
Legal & Political Party Regulations
38,209,121 | 45,618,817 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 | 1,599,667 |
އިލެކްޓޯރަލް މެނޭޖްމަންޓް އަދި ކޯޑިނޭޝަން
91,496,734 | 67,172,387 | 4,492,034 | 79,496,034 | 4,500,114 |
Electoral Management and Coordination
91,496,734 | 67,172,387 | 4,492,034 | 79,496,034 | 4,500,114 |
Electoral Management and Coordination
91,496,734 | 67,172,387 | 4,492,034 | 79,496,034 | 4,500,114 |
ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް އިންތިހާބު
2,898,572 | 61,546,250 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ލޯކަލް ކައުންސިލް އިންތިހާބު
2,384,698 | 4,382,128 | 1,981,000 | 76,981,000 | 1,981,000 |
ރިޔާސީ އިންތިހާބު
84,721,461 | 37,950 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
އަންހެނުންގެ ތަރައްޤީއަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ކޮމެޓީގެ އިންތިހާބު
527,225 | 294,622 | 1,385,900 | 1,389,900 | 1,393,980 |
Electoral Management and Coordination
964,778 | 911,437 | 1,125,134 | 1,125,134 | 1,125,134 |
އިންފޮމޭޝަން ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ އާއި މުވާސަލާތު
1,826,864 | 2,408,796 | 2,523,323 | 2,523,323 | 2,523,323 |
މައުލޫމާތުގެ ހިދުމަތްތަކާއި ސިސްޓަމް އެޑްމިނިސްޓްރޭޝަން
197,154 | 253,718 | 489,326 | 489,326 | 489,326 |
Information System
197,154 | 253,718 | 489,326 | 489,326 | 489,326 |
Information System
197,154 | 253,718 | 489,326 | 489,326 | 489,326 |
Information System
197,154 | 253,718 | 489,326 | 489,326 | 489,326 |
ޓެކްނިކަލް ސަޕޯޓް ހިދުމަތްތަކާއި އަރުޝީފް
1,176,785 | 1,127,098 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 |
System Administration
1,176,785 | 1,127,098 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 |
System Administration
1,176,785 | 1,127,098 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 |
System Administration
1,176,785 | 1,127,098 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 | 1,274,306 |
452,925 | 1,027,980 | 759,691 | 759,691 | 759,691 |
452,925 | 1,027,980 | 759,691 | 759,691 | 759,691 |
452,925 | 1,027,980 | 759,691 | 759,691 | 759,691 |
452,925 | 1,027,980 | 759,691 | 759,691 | 759,691 |
މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ފިނޭންސް
ކޮޕީރައިޓް © 2025